Catherine and Tim's stageplay CLOSURE is at Theatre Royal, Windsor on 28th February - 9th March.
In development they have THE TRIAL opening at Stoke Rep in July 2024.
Tim and Catherine started writing together approximately eight years ago. Their first full length play 'The Magnificent Seven’ was adapted into a film by Citoc Motion Pictures and is currently streaming on Zee Theatre. The stage play continues to be produced all over the world.
Their adaptation of 'The Hound Of The Baskervilles', as well as enjoying success onstage, has also proved popular as a radio play when it premiered in Canada in March 2021.
In Sept 2020 Catherine and Tim wrote, produced and directed the edge of the seat thriller 'Closure' which was one of the first live theatre events to be played in front of an audience following the lifting of the first lockdown. Since that successful run, they have adapted the piece into a feature length screenplay currently in pre-production.
'The Turnip Field’ a two-hander received rave 5 star reviews both at Stoke Rep and The Turbine Theatre, London in June 2021. A national tour of the show is planned.
Other projects currently in development include 'The Three Knocks', a supernatural film set in rural Ireland; 'Surrogate State', a political thriller series set in an alternate 1963 and 'Doubting Thomas' a six part drama chronicling an alzheimer's patients quest for justice after having been accused of murder.
Catherine currently practices as a barrister specialising in serious crime and terrorism and Tim is an actor and director. The couple live in Staffordshire with their Chocolate Labradoodle, Henri.